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Map of Mozambique

USAID Advancing Nutrition, or USAID Promovendo a Nutrição, worked in Mozambique from August 2019 until the project's successful completion in March 2023. Over the course of nearly four years, the project collaborated with USAID’s nutrition bilateral project, Transform Nutrition, to improve the nutrition of pregnant and lactating women, adolescent girls, and children under 2 years of age. In Nampula Province and at the national level, the project aimed to—

  1. Strengthen the government’s capacity to plan, manage, and deliver nutrition services
  2. Strengthen the government’s systems for multi-sectoral nutrition coordination
  3. Support partners’ capacity to deliver quality multi-sectoral nutrition programming
  4. Support USAID Mozambique’s nutrition team and portfolio.


At the end of February, USAID Advancing Nutrition Mozambique held a closing ceremony with different actors and partners, namely SETSAN, MISAU, SPS, DPS, SDSMAS and Transform Nutrition.
USAID Advancing Nutrition supports workshops to mobilize policymakers to promote early childhood development.
From June 13–17, USAID Advancing Nutrition hosted an all-country learning retreat with eight of the project’s Chiefs of Party.