Cambodian farmers are increasing their yields as well as their incomes with help from Feed the Future. The whole family benefits from the added income and nutrition. (Fintrac Inc.)
Photo Credit: Fintrac Inc.

Designing nutrition-sensitive agriculture activities means more than just producing more nutrient-rich foods. USAID Advancing Nutrition’s Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Design Guide provides practical guidance to help implementing partners train their staff to plan and implement nutrition-sensitive agriculture activities. It includes a detailed facilitator’s guide and accompanying slides for a three-day workshop intended for teams of newly-awarded Feed the Future agriculture projects and others working to improve nutrition-sensitive agriculture.

USAID Advancing Nutrition launched the Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Design Guide in February 2020. The included three-day workshop can help activity teams work through the process of establishing contextually appropriate, nutrition-sensitive agriculture outcomes, strategies, interventions, and indicators that lead to improved diets. Acknowledging that diverse activity teams may come to the workshop with varying levels of understanding of agriculture and nutrition, the Design Guide dedicates content at the beginning to reviewing nutrition fundamentals and agriculture to nutrition pathways. By the end of the three-day workshop, activity teams will have completed the Activity Design Matrix that can help inform work plans, annual reports, monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) plans and more.

Would you be interested in joining a community of practice (CoP) to receive a more in-depth orientation to the Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Design Guide and facilitation materials? Take the survey to let us know!

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