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Academic Journal
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This article summarizes the existing evidence on the impact of interventions specifically among adolescents in Indonesia. Evidence was limited but supports the implementation of the following nutrition-specifc interventions: (i) iron–folic acid supplements, paired with antihelminths delivered at scale via school-based platforms and through health centres; and (ii) diet counselling and nutrition education provided through school-based platforms, adolescent youth centres/peer education and technology-based platforms. Additional nutrition-sensitive interventions could include: (i) improving access to reproductive health services; and (ii) increasing the coverage of interventions designed to increase school attendance.

Geographic focus of document:
South Asia
Language of document:
Adolescent location:
Both urban and rural
Adolescent schooling:
Adolescent marital status:
Adolescent gender:
Adolescent age group:
All age groups
Location of service delivery / program implementation:
Thumbnail of journal article

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