USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
Experts discuss how to enhance data collection and identify the best sources of information, modeling methods used to derive estimates of micronutrient deficiencies and data gaps, hidden hunger among women, and priorities for action. This is a series of webinars.
Inside Look: How UNICEF is Tackling the Global Nutrition Crisis for Women and Girls
Publication Date:
Knowledge ManagementWastingAdolescent NutritionAnemiaCOVID-19Emergency NutritionGenderInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal NutritionMicronutrient Interventions
A UNICEF nutrition specialist discusses breaking the cycle of malnutrition, the importance of addressing dangerous social and gender norms, the role of multiple micronutrient supplements and social protection programs in addressing malnutrition, and how addressing individual nutrition benefits society as a whole.
Building Momentum for Nutrition: Putting Proven Tools to Work
Publication Date:
Knowledge ManagementWastingAnemiaBreastfeedingCOVID-19Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal NutritionMicronutrient InterventionsNutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)
This interactive webpage discusses challenges related to addressing nutrition, including COVID-19, climate change, and conflict. It presents cost-effective and evidence-based solutions and tools for ending severe malnutrition, discusses the goals of the Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act, and highlights USAID MOMENTUM’s work in several countries.
A Decade of Progress and Action for the Future: Preventing Child and Maternal Deaths, 2023–2030
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Knowledge Management
This report presents successful innovations, lessons learned, and important approaches to build and sustain momentum and global commitment to improve maternal and child survival.
This web-based tool captures key learning from an exploration of local drivers of persistent acute malnutrition and design interventions based on evidence, local context, community strengths and assets, and feasibility for government scale-up.
Introduction to USAID's Research Translation Toolkit Series
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Knowledge Management
USAID’s Research Translation Toolkit helps researchers communicate findings effectively to the most relevant audiences. This four-part series discusses how to use the stakeholder analysis tool, the communication products section, and the research-to-action plan. Guest speakers share examples of how they have used the processes and tools in their work. These are webinars.
WHO's Science in 5: Disability and Health Inequity
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Knowledge Management
Persons with disabilities (PWDs) die earlier than their nondisabled counterparts; are at twice the risk of suffering from many health conditions; cannot always make their own health care choices; and face stigma and discrimination when seeking healthcare, education, and employment opportunities.
Knowledge ManagementWastingBreastfeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Micronutrient Interventions
Authors discuss the scope of child wasting and where it is most common, urge early detection and action, examine the importance of ready-to-use therapeutic food, and outline UNICEF priorities.
The State of Acute Malnutrition platform coordinates data sharing for severe and moderate acute malnutrition to improve program data quality, identify data gaps, and support improved use of data and evidence for programs and policies. Resources are available in English and French.
The Conscious Food Systems Alliance convenes a Community of Practice and Learning where individuals and organizations can connect, exchange knowledge, and collaborate to build conscious food systems. It pioneered the application of consciousness approaches and practices supported by research and learning frameworks.
Project Year 4 Summary: Priorities and Key Accomplishments
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Knowledge ManagementCOVID-19Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Micronutrient InterventionsPrivate-Sector Engagement
USAID Advancing Nutrition partnered with governments and local stakeholders to build strong programming foundations and to facilitate, coordinate, and track progress to achieve and sustain national nutrition objectives.
Knowledge ManagementBreastfeedingCOVID-19Nutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, USAID MOMENTUM worked with 53 facilities in Sierra Leone to make structural improvements; introduce infection prevention and control standards; improve water, sanitation, and hygiene. These efforts produced safer spaces, increased service scope, and improved patient attendance.
Knowledge ManagementAnemiaBreastfeedingChild NutritionCOVID-19Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal NutritionMicronutrient InterventionsNutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)Private-Sector Engagement
Strengthening nutrition governance, elevating local voices and experiences, sharing evidence, promoting capacity strengthening and advocacy, and maximizing the reach of USAID Advancing Nutrition’s work are critical to sustain nutrition outcomes. The global nutrition community must strengthen coordination and collaboration to meet and sustain global goals.
Analyses found that a package combining increased family planning services with basic emergency obstetric and newborn care produces the highest benefit-cost ratio. Authors estimate that this package will require an additional US$3.2 billion per year and will deliver benefits worth US$278 billion per year in avoided deaths and higher economic growth.
Fighting Malnutrition in Ghana: How Health Workers Are Leading the Charge
Publication Date:
Knowledge ManagementAnemiaBreastfeedingChild NutritionGrowth Monitoring and PromotionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal NutritionNutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)
Training helps health workers integrate malnutrition screening and treatment into comprehensive primary health care services, conduct home visits to follow up with children being treated for malnutrition, and provide nutrition services to pregnant and breastfeeding women to prevent further childhood malnutrition.
Report for the Review of Food Fortification Marketing Strategies, and Promotional Messages, Materials and Interventions
Publication Date:
Knowledge ManagementBehavior Change for Nutrition
This is a review report that looks at current and former food fortification promotion messages, interventions, materials, and tools and reviews the industry marketing strategies, interventions, materials and tools for industrial fortified foods.
USAID Advancing Nutrition Nigeria State Committee on Food and Nutrition Capacity Assessment Report - Bauchi
Publication Date:
Knowledge ManagementNutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)
State Committees for Food and Nutrition (SCFN) are key players in coordinating food and nutrition interventions across states in Nigeria. The USAID Advancing Nutrition Nigeria scoping exercise identified the need to assess SCFN's capacity to perform oversight functions in nutrition activities. This report presents results from the assessment in Bauchi State.
USAID Advancing Nutrition Nigeria State Committee on Food and Nutrition Capacity Assessment Report - Kebbi
Publication Date:
Knowledge ManagementNutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)
State Committees for Food and Nutrition (SCFN) are key players in coordinating food and nutrition interventions across states in Nigeria. The USAID Advancing Nutrition Nigeria scoping exercise identified the need to assess SCFN capacity to perform oversight functions in nutrition activities. This report presents results from the assessment in Kebbi State.
USAID Advancing Nutrition Nigeria State Committee for Food and Nutrition Capacity Assessment Report - Sokoto
Publication Date:
Knowledge ManagementNutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)
State Committees for Food and Nutrition (SCFN) are key players in coordinating food and nutrition interventions across states in Nigeria. The USAID Advancing Nutrition Nigeria scoping exercise identified the need to assess SCFN capacity to perform oversight functions in nutrition activities. This report presents results from the assessment in Sokoto State.
Glossaire des Terminologies Utilisées dans le Contexte des Interventions Multisectorielles de Nutrition
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Knowledge Management
Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du Plan Stratégique Multisectoriel de Nutrition au Burkina Faso, plusieurs acteurs dans des secteurs ministériels sensibles et spécifiques interviennent. La multiplicité des acteurs nécessite une harmonisation des concepts et langages en lien avec la nutrition.