USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
Análisis de la Situación de Micronutrientes y Fortificación de Alimentos de Consumo Masivo en Honduras
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Food SystemsFood Systems
El propósito de este análisis situacional es brindar evidencia sobre la situación nutricional con énfasis en micronutrientes y la situación de la fortificación de alimentos de consumo masivo en Honduras.
Needs Assessment and Design Methodology to Guide Large-Scale Food Fortification and Broader Programming to Improve Diets: Tools 1, 2, and 3 in the LSFF Methodology Series
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Food SystemsFood Systems
The LSFF Operational Overview describes the purpose and target audience for tools to assess diets, markets, and diet cost and affordability, and summarizes the key steps in the methodology, including a decision tree on how to select existing data to conduct a needs assessment and design/redesign LSFF and broader programming.
Priority Actions for Strengthening Institutionalization of the Food Fortification Program
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Food SystemsFood Systems
This is a report written by USAID Advancing Nutrition Uganda that outlines the priority areas that key stakeholders can take towards strengthening the institutionalization of the food fortification program in Uganda.
Research Findings on Resilience & Social Cohesion in Burkina Faso and Niger
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Food SystemsFood SecurityFood SystemsResilience
Deteriorating security impacts food security through loss of access to agricultural and pastoral production areas; disruption of economic activities or loss of livelihoods; reduced access to labor and agricultural inputs; and the closure or limited functioning of health services, schools, and markets.
Global Evidence for Improving Resilience and Food Security: Findings from the REAPER Agriculture-Led Growth and Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Evidence Gap Maps
Implementing partners from the Resilience and Food Security for Programmatic Approaches project present findings from machine learning, comprehensive evidence reviews on agriculture-led growth and nutrition-sensitive agriculture, and new mapping of resilience and water intermediate outcomes to higher-level development objectives. This is a webinar.
Adapting Health Systems to Protect Children from the Impact of Climate Change Series
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Food SystemsChild NutritionFood SystemsResilience
Speakers discuss UNICEF's report on the impacts of heat waves and possible interventions to protect child health, the Children’s Climate Risk Index, and protecting pregnant women and infants against heat stress.
The Rapid Rise in Domestic Value Chains of Nutrient-Dense Foods (Fruits, Vegetables, and Animal Products) in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policy Implications
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Food SystemsFood Systems
Consumption of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables and animal products is substantial and growing; while product supply is also growing quickly, it is not much faster than population growth. In some countries, supply growth is driven without nongovernmental organization or company management or government subsidies.
Programs must consider unintended consequences of introducing climate-smart agriculture to ensure that marginalized and underrepresented groups are not left more vulnerable to poor nutrition and food insecurity.
The Food4HealthyLife calculator shows how switching from the nutritionally poor Western diet to the “optimal diet,” which includes fish, fruits, and vegetables increased estimated life expectancy by 13 years when started at a young age.
Willingness-to-pay data improve understanding of consumer preferences and contribute to the evaluation of market opportunities for food safety interventions and policy priorities. When consumer willingness to pay provides insufficient incentives for producers, government-driven policy changes may be required.
Pathways From Livestock to Improved Human Nutrition: Lessons Learned in East Africa
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Food SystemsFood SystemsGender
Researchers recommendations include developing tools to fill measurement gaps, creating shorter versions of validated tools, using complexity-aware evaluation methods to capture the interconnected nature of livestock-to-nutrition pathways and shifting livelihoods, and analyzing pathways to better understand linkages.
Researchers found little change in the quantity of animal-source foods (ASF) consumed between 2010–2015 but substantial composition changes. They also found increasing rural–urban and income-linked inequality in quantities of ASF and associated nutrients consumed and declines in the adequacy of intake of several micronutrients due to the changing composition of ASF.
Policy Brief: Kitui County, Demonstrating the Value of Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Investments in Kitui County
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Food SystemsFood Systems
With the support of USAID Advancing Nutrition, county leadership, and nutrition stakeholders, Kitui County developed the county MSN approach, which sets ambitious targets for the scale-up of nutrition interventions over the next five years.
Policy Brief: Kakamega County, Demonstrating the Value of Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Investments in Kakamega County
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Food SystemsFood Systems
The Kakamega County stunting level stands at 11.5%, wasting at 1.5%, and underweight at 6.4% (KDHS, 2022). However, the county government demonstrates political commitment for preventing malnutrition by investing in the scale-up of selected high-impact MSN interventions.
Kuhn’s organization, Roots of Peace, has facilitated the removal of unexploded bombs and landmines; planted millions of grapevines and fruit trees; provided training for farmers; restored agricultural value chains; and rebuilt food systems, livelihoods, and communities in several war-torn countries.
Research Findings on Resilience & Social Cohesion in Burkina Faso and Niger
Publication Date:
Food SystemsCOVID-19Food SystemsGenderResilience
Researchers discuss how multi-sectoral World Food Program interventions, partnerships, and collaborations have reduced tensions and improved social cohesion in fragile contexts. This is a webinar. It is in English with simultaneous interpretation into French.
Irregular Migration and Food Security: A View from West Africa
Publication Date:
Food SystemsEmergency NutritionFood Systems
Speakers discuss a mixed method, route-based study to look at migrant origins, their transit experience, and where their journey stalls or ends. They introduce an interactive website that illustrates the migrant journey and associated risks. This is a webinar. New Data and Tools for 50+ Countries Unveiled
Publication Date:
Food SystemsFood Systems
The website presents new diet data and country-adapted data collection tools for 56 countries. It also offers an indicator calculator to help users analyze their own data. This is a webinar.
Is Women’s Empowerment Bearing Fruit? Mapping Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) Results Using the Gender and Food Systems Framework
Publication Date:
Food SystemsChild NutritionFood SystemsGenderMaternal NutritionWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Findings suggest that women’s empowerment contributes to improved diets and nutritional status, especially for children, but that household wealth, social class, and gender norms moderate impacts. Strengthening the evidence base will require more research using experimental and quasi-experimental methods and completing gender-disaggregated analyses.