USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
These four papers together outline the new ecological approach to reducing anemia. Understanding the ecology of anemia—the biology of nutrients interacting with physical, economic, social, behavioral, demographic, and environmental factors—is key to implementing context-specific interventions to reduce anemia.
Guidance on Appropriate Use and Considerations for Limiting Anemia Testing, Assessment and Screening using Hemoglobin in Public Health Anemia Reduction Efforts for Adolescents
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Adolescent NutritionAnemia
This brief provides guidance on appropriate use and considerations for limiting anemia testing, assessment, and screening using hemoglobin in public health anemia reduction efforts for adolescents.
Haemoglobin Diagnostic Cut-Offs for Anaemia in Indian Women of Reproductive Age
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Monitoring, Evaluation, and LearningAnemiaMicronutrient Interventions
This research suggests persistently high rates of anemia could be partially related to overdiagnosis due to an inappropriately high hemoglobin diagnostic cut-off.
A Rapid Landscape Review of Postpartum Anaemia Measurement: Challenges and Opportunities
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Monitoring, Evaluation, and LearningAnemiaMicronutrient Interventions
This researcher demonstrates how critical it is to develop common anemia measures for women in the postpartum period and promote rapid uptake and reporting.
Association between Maternal Haemoglobin Concentrations and Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes: the Prospective, Observational, Multinational, INTERBIO-21st Fetal Study
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Monitoring, Evaluation, and LearningAnemiaMaternal Nutrition
Findings suggest an association between maternal hemoglobin and maternal and neonatal outcomes. Using an optimal range of hemoglobin concentrations throughout pregnancy may produce clinical and public health benefits.
Focusing on Multiple Micronutrient Supplements in Pregnancy: Second Edition
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Nutrition and Health SystemsAnemiaEmergency NutritionMaternal NutritionMicronutrient Interventions
Articles discuss the benefits of prenatal multiple micronutrient supplements, barriers and enablers to uptake, supplement delivery in humanitarian contexts, accelerating supply to meet future demand, social marketing approaches, the importance of partnerships and fostering an enabling environment, and the impacts of scaling on human capital outcomes, among other topics.
How Countries Can Reduce Anemia among Women of Reproductive Age: Lessons from Exemplar Countries
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Monitoring, Evaluation, and LearningAnemia
Panelists identify consistent drivers of anemia reduction across geographies and context-specific multi-sectoral interventions and present case studies from two countries. This is a webinar.
WHO Calls for Accelerated Action to Reduce Anaemia
Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and LearningAdolescent NutritionAnemiaChild NutritionMaternal NutritionMicronutrient Interventions
The World Health Organization anemia framework consolidates evidence, identifies ways to address the direct causes, risk factors, and broad social inequities that are fundamental drivers of anemia, and identifies key action areas for various actors to improve coverage and uptake of interventions.
This newly updated toolkit provides resources to improve the understanding of the facets of anemia, its nature, significance, assessment, prevention and control. It includes resources pertaining to anemia causation and its assessment, tools for strategic intervention, and needs for further investigation.
Promoting Childhood Development Globally Through Caregiving Interventions
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Early Childhood DevelopmentAnemiaGenderWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
This collection of papers examines program quality, including interventions for children in crisis and conflict settings, parenting to impact child development and reduce violence and maternal depression, integrating early childhood interventions with other services, delivering services remotely, scaling programs, and partnering with government agencies.
Tool and Guide for Reviewing the Nutrition Content of Pre-Service Training Curricula
Publication Date:
Capacity StrengtheningAnemiaBreastfeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal NutritionMicronutrient InterventionsNutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)
The tool and accompanying guide provide resources for prioritizing cadres of health workers providing frontline nutrition services, identify relevant competencies, determine if the pre-service training curricula address these competencies, and update curricula.
Predicted Effects and Cost-Effectiveness of Wheat Flour Fortification for Reducing Micronutrient Deficiencies, Maternal Anemia, and Neural Tube Defects in Yaoundé and Douala, Cameroon
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This paper presents estimates of the cost-effectiveness of a mandatory wheat flour fortification program for reducing cases of micronutrient deficiencies of iron, zinc, folate, vitamin B12, anemia and neural tube defects, and disability-adjusted life years in urban Cameroon.
Combined IYCF with Small-Quantity Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplementation is Associated with a Reduction in Anemia but No Changes in Anthropometric Status of Young Children from Katanga Province of the DRC: A Quasi-Experimental Effectiveness Study
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This study evaluates the impact of an infant and young child feeding intervention (with small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements) on anemia and growth in children aged 6–18 months in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Accelerating Action to Reduce Anemia: Review of Causes and Risk Factors and Related Data Needs
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This narrative review describes the causes and risk factors, and related data needs for reducing anemia for different population subgroups within a country and presents principles for the design and implementation of effective strategies to prevent and treat anemia.
Diagnosing Anemia: Challenges Selecting Methods, Addressing Underlying Causes, and Implementing Actions at the Public Health Level
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This narrative review describes methods, equipment, and sample-related and quality control aspects of hemoglobin measurement for the diagnosis of anemia.
Integrating and Coordinating Programs for the Management of Anemia Across the Life Course
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This narrative review describes the determinants of anemia and outlines opportunities for comprehensive anemia programming, systems strengthening, and implementation research approaches for preschool children, adolescent girls, and pregnant and nonpregnant women of reproductive age
Comprehensive Framework for Integrated Action on the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Management of Anemia: An Introduction
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In 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced in 2021 a commitment to develop a comprehensive framework for integrated action on the prevention, diagnosis, and management of anemia and to establish an Anaemia Action Alliance to support the implementation of the framework.
Accelerating Anaemia Reduction: A Comprehensive Framework for Action
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This document is an output of a World Health Organization cross-program initiative aiming to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and management of anaemia and thereby accelerate reduction of its prevalence.
WHO Guideline on Use of Ferritin Concentrations to Assess Iron Status in Individuals and Populations
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This guideline provides global, evidence-informed recommendations on the use of indicators for assessing a population’s iron status and application of the use of ferritin concentrations for monitoring and evaluating iron interventions.