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Feeding the world’s population with safe and nutritious food means we must overcome ever-evolving challenges through innovative research on cost-effective and sustainable strategies to prevent malnutrition.

Join the USAID Bureau for Food Security, USAID Advancing Nutrition, Agrilinks and the Feed the Future Nutrition Innovation Lab for an e-consultation to discuss opportunities for future research with researchers and the scientific community, implementers, donors, nongovernmental organizations, and government stakeholders.  

The e-consultation will focus on findings from the USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Nutrition’s just-completed evidence review (PDF, 3.3 MB). The review both synthesizes research to-date on how food systems affect nutrition outcomes and suggests opportunities for further research.

Discussions center on findings related to—

USAID Advancing Nutrition is hosting a week-long online discussion from November 12-18 on Agrilinks, guided by experts from relevant disciplines. Each day is dedicated to a different topic to identify and prioritize future research opportunities that fill critical knowledge gaps.

Join the discussion on Agrilinks.