In March 2023, Jalal-Abad TV aired a news segment that highlighted a story that featured USAID Advancing Nutrition’s early childhood development (ECD) work—promoting responsive care and early learning (RCEL) in the Jalal-Abad Oblast. The story was from the village of Seyt-Kazy in the Bazar-Korgon Rayon of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The broadcast showcased a local family who had effectively implemented optimal RCEL practices promoted by the project in raising their child. It praised the positive impact these new practices had on their child’s development—the mother notes that her child is more expressive and that she’s better able to recognize the child's cues. Positive RCEL practices promoted included recognizing that children need attention, love, and support from their caregivers to grow and develop optimally. Specifically, caregivers need to learn and respond to their child’s cues, engage with their child by speaking, singing, and reading to them from birth, and play with them in age-appropriate ways throughout early childhood. All of these actions help the child feel safe and loved, support their brain development, and enable them to grow into smart and healthy children. By adopting these practices, and others, the family reported experiencing positive changes in their children's development and the entire family reported enjoying playing and interacting with the children more. The coverage was meant to raise awareness among community members about the importance of optimal RCEL practices to ensure children grow and develop well.
The news segment also emphasized the project's efforts in promoting proper nutrition and feeding practices for mothers and children. It highlighted the significance of the "window of opportunity," which refers to the critical 1000-day period from pregnancy through a child’s second birthday, for ensuring optimal nutrition and growth. The segment promoted exclusive breastfeeding, optimal complementary feeding, and dietary diversity, among other important nutrition practices.
By airing this success story, Jalal-Abad TV aimed to inspire others and encourage them to adopt ECD practices and improved feeding habits. The segment played a vital role in promoting ECD and nutrition in the region by highlighting the positive impact these practices have on children and their families.