The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID's) Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) seeks to improve the impact of emergency-funded agricultural activities on nutritional status, especially that of women and young children. USAID Advancing Nutrition explored where nutrition-sensitive agriculture activities are appropriate in emergency contexts and how they can be designed to improve nutrition outcomes. To inform these recommendations, USAID Advancing Nutrition conducted research with two BHA-funded activities. One activity is the Emergency Livelihood Response Programme in South Sudan, which is implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The other is the Emergency Response to Food Insecurity for Lake Chad Basin Crisis Affected Populations in the Far-North Region of Cameroon, which is implemented by Première Urgence Internationale. This research report synthesized the quantitative and qualitative findings for both countries and provides recommendations and considerations for BHA in relation to its guidance for programming and implementation of emergencies award, with a specific focus on agriculture and livelihood components for nutrition outcomes.