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Data Collection Tool

Users can embed the DQ-Q into an existing survey. Use the DQ-Q is a questionnaire to ask respondents about consumption of sentinel foods from 29 food groups. The questionnaire has been validated through cognitive testing. Use the data to construct the indicator minimum dietary diversity for women (MDD-W). Additionally, use the data to construct the Global Dietary Recommendation (GDR) score = [GDR-Healthy] – [GDR-Limit].

Time: Approximately 10 minutes to ask questions. About 3 to 4 weeks needed for data cleaning and analysis, depending on the size of the data set and number of indicators.

Human Resources: No nutrition expertise needed to interview. Data analysts need to be familiar with data cleaning and analysis of DQ-Q data.

Relative Cost: Low

Strengths: Easy to administer, tabulate, and interpret. Low burden on respondent.

Limitations: DQ-Q is relatively new, and some indicators are still being validated for use. Because the DQ-Q relies on sentinel food lists that will be valid for 10 years, periodic updating of the sentinel food list may be required.


We found relevant indicators for 5 diet question(s) based on the filters below (or your answers to preceding questions). Use the filters to see other indicators by target group or diet question.

Target group: Children 6–23 months of age

Is my target group consuming foods or food groups that provide adequate nutrients?

  • MDD for children: Percentage of children 6–23 months of age who consumed foods and beverages from at least five out of eight defined food groups during the previous day.

What foods or food groups is my target group consuming?

  • MDD for children: Percentage of children 6–23 months of age who consumed foods and beverages from at least five out of eight defined food groups during the previous day. 
  • Food consumption—flesh foods: Percentage of children 6–23 months of age who consumed egg and/or flesh food during the previous day. 
  • Sweet beverage consumption: Percentage of children 6–23 months of age who consumed a sweet beverage during the previous day.
  • Unhealthy food consumption—WHO and UNICEF IYCF: Percentage of children 6–23 months of age who consumed selected sentinel unhealthy foods during the previous day.
  • Zero vegetable or fruit consumption: Percentage of children 6–23 months of age who did not consume any vegetables or fruits during the previous day.
  • The percentage of the population consuming any of the food groups measured by the instrument can also be determined.

Target group: Women: 15–49 years of age (non-pregnant, non-lactating)

What foods or food groups is my target group consuming?

  • MDD-W: Percentage of women of reproductive age 15–49 years who consumed foods and beverages from at least (≥) five of ten food groups during the previous day.
  • The percentage of women 15–49 years of age consuming any of the food groups measured by the instrument can also be determined.
  • MDD-W: Percentage of women of reproductive age 15–49 years who consumed foods and beverages from at least (≥) five food groups during the previous day.
  • The percentage of women 15–49 years of age consuming any of the food groups measured by the instrument can also be determined.

Target group: Men

What foods or food groups is my target group consuming?

  • Food consumption—healthy—DQ-Q: Percentage of men in specified age range consuming healthy foods, beverages, and/or food groups during the previous day (e.g., DQ-Q food groups: dark green leafy vegetables; vitamin-A rich orange vegetables, vitamin-A rich fruits; citrus; other vegetables; other fruits; pulses [beans, peas, and lentils]; nuts and seeds; whole grains; poultry; fish and seafood).