This package helps global development partners working in low- and middle-income countries collect data that assesses the food environment. It includes documentation of a multi-year pilot study in Liberia, Honduras, Nigeria, and Timor-Leste that evaluated seven food environment assessments for their feasibility and acceptability. The related data collection tools are intended to be used by practitioners to inform the design and implementation of market-based interventions within food systems to support healthy diets.
Guidelines for Market-based Food Environment Assessments Instruction Manual
This guide incorporates the findings from the pilot and suggests approaches to overcome any implementation challenges identified.
Download the Assessment Instruction Manual (English, PDF, 1.82 MB)
Guidelines for Market-based Food Environment Assessments Annexes
These annexes include the data collection sheets required to complete the assessment packages.
Download the Assessment Annexes (English, PDF, 1.5 MB)
Guidelines for Market-based Food Environment Assessments Data Analysis Instructions
This document provides instructions for the data analysis sheets, the Excel spreadsheets in which users input data collected via the data collection sheets. These Excel sheets are recommended templates for data analysis, and activity teams can adapt them to fit their specific context. The instructions included in this document correspond directly to the spreadsheets linked below.
Download the Data Analysis Instructions (English, PDF, 631 KB)
Food Environment Monitoring and Evaluation Data Analysis Sheets
The spreadsheets are templates for data analysis, and activity teams can adapt them to fit their specific context. Instructions for their use are included in the Guidelines for Market-based Food Environment Assessments Data Analysis Instructions.
Download the Data Analysis Sheets (English, XLSX, 5.8 MB)