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Published By:
USAID Advancing Nutrition
Publication Date:
Technical Report

In April 2022, USAID published its Climate Strategy 2022–2030, The strategy commits USAID to supporting actions across sectors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help partner countries adapt to climate impacts and build resilience to climate change. In support of USAID’s efforts to integrate climate considerations across its program portfolios, USAID Advancing Nutrition, USAID’s global flagship nutrition project, reviewed the strategy and proposed that we assist our colleagues in the Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, Bureau for Global Health, and Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance to better understand the linkages between climate change, nutrition, and resilience. Knowing that climate change directly and indirectly influences households’ ability to achieve nutrition and food security, particularly those households most vulnerable to natural hazards and malnutrition, the USAID Advancing Nutrition team set out to conduct a review to deepen our understanding of how climate change impacts nutrition outcomes through each of the three systems as well as through the interplay between them.

Photo: three women smiling at the camera, carrying baskets with eggplants.