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Published By:
USAID Advancing Nutrition
Publication Date:
Technical Report
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The U.S. Agency for International Development Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance and the USAID Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) asked USAID Advancing Nutrition to undertake a facilitated learning activity on purposeful co-location of nutrition partners in four provinces in the DRC.

The executive summary of the final report on this activity summarizes findings related to three learning objectives: 1. Document partners’ experiences collaborating to deliver the continuum of care for wasting, 2. Identify and pilot actions to strengthen coordination and collaboration, and 3. Develop recommendations for how to strengthen collaboration to deliver the continuum of care for wasting. The activity yielded a wealth of information about the role of coordination and collaboration in delivering a holistic continuum of care for wasted children.

Thumbnail of the report with a photo of a young woman with a smile holding her infant child.