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Author: Mercy Corps
Technical Area(s):
Health Systems

This implementation guide was originally developed to test USAID Nawiri’s approach to adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) in Samburu and Turkana. The ASRH work focuses on reducing teenage pregnancies by understanding the barriers to accessing ASRH services, trusted sources of information among adolescents, and the support needed to meet their reproductive health needs. This document presents the four concepts (positive parenting, safe growth spaces, edutainment, and transformative masculinity) that were developed as outputs from a four-day co-design workshop with selected participants from the NAWIRI consortium, county government teams, and the adolescent advisory committee. It summarizes key learnings from the prototyping phases with adolescent boys and girls, parents, and community leaders. It also provides high-level recommendations of pilot considerations for the four concepts. These recommendations are suggestions for the approach to piloting where the concepts will be tested further in preparation for the scale-up phase.

Learning Brief

Photo of a man adding a sticky note onto a wall with a bunch of sticky notes on it.