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USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.


USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Multi-Sectoral Resource Review

Nutrition Resources and Tools Across the USAID Program Cycle

Responsive Care and Early Learning Addendum Resource Collection

Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Feeding and Disability Resource Bank

Measuring What it Takes to Provide Care

Ages and Stages Reference Package and Resource Collection

Optimizing Diets by Using Local Foods for Improved Nutrition for Women and Children

Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Governance Resource Bank

Anemia Toolkit

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USAID Nawiri Framework

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Disability Resource Bank

Nutrition Integration for the Children with Special Needs: A Facilitator’s Guide for Food Security, Nutrition, Livelihoods and Disability Inclusion Project Staffs

Publication Date:
BreastfeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal Nutrition
This training supports the integration of disability inclusion into nutrition programming by providing information on the nutritional concerns of children with disabilities.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Global Thrive Act Implementation Guidance

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development Child NutritionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
The Global Child Thrive Act recognizes that the future health, prosperity, and stability of individuals and societies require promoting and protecting young children’s development, which necessitates coordination and integrated approaches across various sectors, including health; nutrition; child protection; water, sanitation, and hygiene; and education.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Sustainability and Scalability of Egg Consumption in Burkina Faso for Infant and Young Child Feeding

Publication Date:
Social and Behavior Change and Gender Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture
Mothers who received the Un Oeuf intervention overcame barriers to feeding their child an egg every day, improved their livelihoods, demonstrated motivation to continue feeding their child eggs, and saw the addition of eggs as sustainable. Research to explore the number of household chickens necessary to continuously feed a child one egg per day is important.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Association of BCC Module Roll-Out in SHG Meetings with Changes in Complementary Feeding and Dietary Diversity Among Children (6–23 months)? Evidence from JEEViKA in Rural Bihar, India

Publication Date:
Social and Behavior Change and Gender Complementary FeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
This research article explores how behavior change communication intervention in India increased adequate dietary diversity and knowledge and awareness of complementary feeding.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Adequate Dietary Intake and Consumption of Indigenous Fermented Products Are Associated with Improved Nutrition Status among Children Aged 6–23 Months in Zambia

Publication Date:
Social and Behavior Change and Gender Food SystemsInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
Researchers found a significant association between height-for-age and weight-for-age z-scores and fermented milk consumption in Zambia. Authors call for greater mapping and promotion of traditionally fermented foods and more research to better understand associated health benefits.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Primary Health Care Integration Landscape Analysis: Literature Review Findings

Publication Date:
Nutrition and Health Systems Child NutritionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal Nutrition
This literature review synthesizes information about the current integration of immunization and primary health care services in low- and middle-income countries. Some facilities have also integrated nutrition services into reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health or immunization services.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

High Consumption of Unhealthy Commercial Foods and Beverages Tracks Across the Complementary Feeding Period in Rural/Peri-Urban Cambodia

Publication Date:
Nutrition and Health Systems BreastfeedingComplementary FeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
The high frequency of unhealthy commercial food and beverage consumption during the complementary feeding period requires early interventions to increase caregiver awareness of the risks; promote increased breastfeeding; and encourage consumption of affordable, nutritious, and locally available foods.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Benefits of Small-Quantity Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements for Child Nutrition and Survival Warrant Moving to Scale

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and LearningNutrition in Humanitarian Contexts AnemiaBreastfeedingChild NutritionComplementary FeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal NutritionMicronutrient InterventionsNutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)
Small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements are a highly cost-effective intervention to reduce relative risk of mortality, severe wasting and stunting, iron deficiency anemia, and developmental delay between 6 and 23 months of age.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Fortified Balanced Energy–Protein Supplementation During Pregnancy and Lactation and Infant Growth in Rural Burkina Faso: A 2 × 2 Factorial Individually Randomized Controlled Trial

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning BreastfeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Micronutrient Interventions
During this study in Burkina Faso, the benefits of daily fortified balanced energy–protein supplementation during pregnancy and lactation size at birth were sustained during infancy.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

What is Child Wasting?

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management WastingBreastfeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Micronutrient Interventions
Authors discuss the scope of child wasting and where it is most common, urge early detection and action, examine the importance of ready-to-use therapeutic food, and outline UNICEF priorities.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Project Year 4 Summary: Priorities and Key Accomplishments

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management COVID-19Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Micronutrient InterventionsPrivate-Sector Engagement
USAID Advancing Nutrition partnered with governments and local stakeholders to build strong programming foundations and to facilitate, coordinate, and track progress to achieve and sustain national nutrition objectives.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Nurturing Care Practice Guide

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development Child NutritionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
This guide explores the rationale for giving greater attention to responsive caregiving; opportunities for early learning, safety, and security; and supporting the well-being of caregivers. It describes what managers can do to develop services and better equip service providers and provides practical suggestions for service provider engagement with families.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Home Environment and Nutritional Status Mitigate the Wealth Gap in Child Development: A Longitudinal Study in Vietnam

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development Child NutritionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Micronutrient Interventions
Wealth-related gaps in cognitive development found during early childhood increased in middle childhood. Maternal factors, quality of home environment, and child nutritional status mitigated this gap in early childhood more than in middle childhood.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Strengthening Organizational Capacity: Lessons Learned From MOMENTUM

Publication Date:
Capacity Strengthening Child NutritionCOVID-19Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal NutritionWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Case studies in this report share learning from Kenya, Mozambique, and Uganda on how MOMENTUM strengthens the capacity of partner organizations. Recommendations share how to increase organizational capacity to foster self-determination, produce sustainable results, align systems for agility, and attract and sustain support.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Investing in Nutrition—A Global Best Investment Case

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning WastingComplementary FeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal NutritionMicronutrient Interventions
Small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplementation and complementary feeding promotion (CFP) for children 6−23 months of age reduced premature births, low birth weight, and stillbirths. The benefit-cost ratio was lowest for CFP for children in the three lowest socio-economic status quintiles due to the high cost of accomplishing behavior change in these households.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Frontline Nutrition Services: Roles, Responsibilities, and Pre-Service Training

Publication Date:
Capacity Strengthening Adolescent NutritionBreastfeedingGrowth Monitoring and PromotionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal Nutrition
Findings identify competencies that pre-service curricula may not currently address and provide a roadmap to develop tailored, country- and cadre-specific updates to policies, protocols, pre-service training curricula, job descriptions, qualifications, and certification tools.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Learning From Health System Actor and Caregiver Experiences in Ghana and Nepal to Strengthen Growth Monitoring and Promotion

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and LearningNutrition and Health SystemsSocial and Behavior Change and Gender Early Childhood DevelopmentInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture
GMP of infants and young children is a fundamental component of routine preventive child health care; however, programs have experienced varying degrees of quality and success with enduring challenges.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Strengthening Implementation of Home-Based Records for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health: A Guide for Country Programme Managers

Publication Date:
Early Childhood DevelopmentNutrition and Health Systems Growth Monitoring and PromotionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
This guide provides decision-making tools and activities, links to existing resources, and examples from countries to strengthen efforts planning, designing, implementing, and monitoring home-based records.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Reducing Inequities in Maternal and Child Health in Rural Guatemala Through the CBIO+ Approach of Curamericas: Paper 4. Nutrition-Related Activities and Changes in Childhood Stunting, Wasting, and Underweight

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and LearningNutrition and Health Systems Child NutritionGrowth Monitoring and PromotionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal NutritionNutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)
In Guatemala, the inclusion of care groups and community birthing centers in the Census-Based, Impact-Oriented Approach intervention produced a decline in the prevalence of stunting and measures of undernutrition in children under age two compared with the control group. Authors call for the broader application and further evaluation of this approach.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Effectiveness of Dietary Management for Moderate Wasting among Children > 6 Months of Age—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Exploring Different Types, Quantities, and Durations

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and LearningNutrition and Health Systems WastingChild NutritionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Micronutrient Interventions
Lipid-based nutrient supplements are comparable to fortified blended foods (FBFs) with improved micronutrient and/or milk content but superior to non-enhanced FBFs. The choice of supplement should consider cost, cost-effectiveness, and acceptability. Further research is important to determine optimal dosing and duration of supplementation.