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The use of quality social and behavior change (SBC) programming is key to achieving nurturing care outcomes. USAID and USAID Advancing Nutrition curated this focused set of resources to inform and guide USAID implementing partners to design and implement more tailored, age-specific infant feeding and responsive care and early learning programming during the first two years of a child’s life. As part of the effort, we have compiled a few key resources for implementers to review and consider to support quality SBC programming, including resources on how to design, implement, and monitor SBC activities—helping programs to prioritize behaviors, conduct research, and strategize, plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate activities.

Illustration of the Steps of Quality SBC. Research, Strategize, Plan, Implement (monitor and adapt), Evaluate, and then Prioritize.
We found 24 resource(s)
Utiliser la recherche pour concevoir une stratégie de changement social et comportemental pour une nutrition multisectorielle
Toolkit published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
Les responsables des programmes de changement social et comportemental (CSC) en matière de nutrition peuvent utiliser cet outil lors de la conception d’un programme ou d’une activité pour transformer les résultats de la recherche en une stratégie de CSC conduisant à des comportements nutritionnels optimaux.
Using Research to Design a Social and Behavior Change Strategy for Multi-Sectoral Nutrition
Toolkit published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
High-quality social and behavior change design requires multiple steps, beginning with prioritizing behaviors.
Counselling To Improve Maternal Nutrition: Considerations for Programming with Quality, Equity and Scale
Technical Report published by UNICEF in
This program brief describes a set of approaches to strengthen maternal nutrition counseling.
Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling: An Integrated Course: Course Handouts
Guideline/Guidance published by UNICEF, WHO in
The materials in this training course are designed to make it possible for trainers, even those with limited experience on teaching the subject, to conduct up-to-date and effective training
Prioriser les comportements nutritionnels multisectoriels
Toolkit published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
La conception d’un CSC de haute qualité nécessite plusieurs étapes, à commencer par la hiérarchisation des comportements, une étape qui garantit une utilisation efficace des ressources et un impact durable.
Prioritizing Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Behaviors
Toolkit published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
This tool helps nutrition program planners and implementers achieve effective social and behavior change by sharpening their focus on fewer behaviors.
Nouveaux outils pour une programmation de haute qualité en matière de changement social et comportemental dans le domaine de la nutrition
Toolkit published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
S'appuyant sur les expériences des partenaires et les leçons apprises, USAID Advancing Nutrition développe une suite d'outils pratiques pour harmoniser la conception, la mise en œuvre, le suivi et l'évaluation des programmes SBC de nutrition dans les systèmes alimentaires et de santé.
New Tools for High-Quality Nutrition Social and Behavior Change Programming
Toolkit published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
Building on partner experiences and lessons learned, USAID Advancing Nutrition is developing a suite of practical tools to harmonize design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of nutrition social and behavior change programs in food and health systems.