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Caregivers, as the main providers of nurturing care, play an important role in ensuring a child’s optimal development. However, caregivers face many challenges providing adequate nurturing care to their children, requiring both tangible (i.e., food, money, assets) and intangible (i.e., mental health, social support) resources and support to care for their child as well as themselves. USAID and USAID Advancing Nutrition curated this focused set of resources to inform and guide USAID implementing partners to design and implement more tailored, age-specific infant and young child feeding and responsive care and early learning programming during the first two years of a child’s life. 

As part of the effort, we have compiled a few key resources for implementers to review and consider to support caregivers in caring for themselves and their children, including resources on how to understand and measure resources required to provide optimal care, how to train frontline providers to support caregiver well-being, and how to engage men and other family members to support primary caregivers (often women) throughout the program cycle.

Photo of a mother holding her small infant, while the father looks on lovingly.
We found 15 resource(s)
Considérations clés pour impliquer les hommes dans les programmes de nutrition chez la mère, le nourrisson et le jeune enfant
Technical Report published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
De plus en plus de données avérées suggèrent que l'implication des hommes dans la nutrition est souvent associée à une amélioration de l'alimentation des nourrissons et des jeunes enfants, à des pratiques alimentaires maternelles, à une amélioration des relations de couple et à un renforcement de la prise de décision conjointe.
Key Considerations for Engaging Men in Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition Programming: A Technical Report for USAID Resilience Food Security Activity Implementing Partners
Technical Report published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
This report for USAID Resilience Food Security Activity implementing partners presents male engagement activities to minimize the risk of engagement while ensuring women’s agency and safety.
Measuring What it Takes to Provide Care
Guideline/Guidance published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
This toolkit of measures of caregiver resources can help program and research teams understand whether their programs successfully influence these caregiver resources.
Nurturing Care Practice Guide: Section 3—Supporting Families Through Existing Services: What Can Service Providers Do?
Guideline/Guidance published by UNICEF, WHO in
Section 3 looks at practical examples of what providers can do during their contacts with caregivers and children to better support caregivers, hear and address their concerns, and strengthen caregivers’ practices to care for their children.
Nurturing Care Practice Guide: Strengthening Nurturing Care Through Health and Nutrition Services
Guideline/Guidance published by UNICEF in
This guide responds to requests from practitioners and country teams who have learned about the Nurturing Care Framework and want to understand how to adapt health and nutrition services to be supportive.
Nurturing Care and Men’s Engagement—Thematic Brief
Guideline/Guidance published by UNICEF, WHO in
The Nurturing Care Framework emphasizes the importance of men’s role as caregivers—alongside mothers, grandparents, and others.
Caring for the Caregiver Training Module
Information, Education and Communication Materials published by UNICEF in
The caring for the caregiver module aims to build front-line workers’ skills in strengths-based counseling to increase caregivers’ confidence and help them develop stress management, self-care, and conflict-resolution skills to support their emotional well-being.
Program Guidance on Engaging Family Members
Guideline/Guidance published by USAID Advancing Nutrition in
This guidance translates research findings into practical recommendations for interventions that effectively engage family members in the care and feeding of children.