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USAID Advancing Nutrition
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In 2020, USAID Advancing Nutrition developed a learning agenda to document global learning, evidence, and innovative practices on how to improve women’s diets, with a focus on pregnant and lactating women. This focus on women’s diets responds to the need to ensure that women and adolescent girls can consume healthy diets and access high-quality health services. This work also addresses gaps in implementation experience and evidence on women’s diets identified in the USAID Advancing Nutrition Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition Strategic Planning Document, which we developed in collaboration with USAID. Through the learning agenda, we synthesize learning across over 50 activities related to women’s diets from 2018–2023 through 12 learning questions across five areas of inquiry—improving women’s diets through market food environments, demand creation, family diets, counseling and other health service delivery, and policies and policy implementation. This report summarizes the learning from across the project years and learning priorities to inform future USAID and implementing partner work.

Four plates of food on a picnic blanket with traditional yet modern leaf designs, with two hands in the image reaching for the food.