Would you like to see more improvements in complementary feeding for young children? Quality social and behavior change (SBC) can help. But it may not be what you think it is! During this webinar, we summarized best practices and lessons learned related to SBC for complementary feeding.
We discussed what makes complementary feeding complex and ways to manage the complexity through a multi-sectoral, behavior-centered approach. We explored real challenges implementers around the world face when applying SBC for improving young children's nutrition during the complementary feeding period and how we might overcome these challenges to ensure quality design, implementation, and monitoring.
For information on the workshop series, please visit the event webpage. This webinar was available in English and French.
Webinar Recording
Webinar Recording French
Webinar Resource:
- Access the slide deck (PDF, 4.5 MB)
- Laura Itzkowitz, Senior Nutrition and SBC Advisor, USAID
- Lisa Sherburne, Director of SBC, USAID Advancing Nutrition
- Kelsey Torres, Nutrition and SBC Advisor, USAID Advancing Nutrition
- Marcia Griffiths, Executive Director, The Manoff Group/JSI
- Shaneka Thurman, SBC Advisor, USAID Advancing Nutrition
- Emily Zimmerman, Managing Director, ideas42/Breakthrough ACTION