
Strategic planning begins several processes that govern how USAID plans and manages country or regional programs. It starts with country or regional planning in which the best strategic approach is determined based on the parameters of budget, development policy, resources, and data available in a specific region or country. This process culminates in a Country or Regional Development Cooperation Strategy and related results framework. This process provides an opportunity to review lessons from previous experience, data, and evidence and then explore different hypotheses. The resources below can support strategic planning for nutrition programming.
We found 6 resource(s)
Nutrition SBC Strategy Checklist
This user-friendly checklist helps implementing partners draft a social and behavior change strategy for nutrition or assess existing ones. These strategies can be incorporated into strategic planning and activity design. Also available in French.
RFS Food Systems Conceptual Framework
This framework helps users consider how best to adopt programming approaches that are inclusive of food systems concepts as part of strategic planning and activity design.
Stunting: Considerations for Use as an Indicator in Nutrition Projects
This literature review summarizes strengths and limitations of using stunting as an indicator for nutrition activities. A full understanding of this indicator is important to consider as part of strategic planning exercises
Using Research to Design a Social and Behavior Change Strategy for Multi-Sectoral Nutrition
This tool strengthens activity design by helping organize and distill research findings into an evidence-based social and behavior change strategy. Also available in French.
Transitioning Nutrition Financing from USAID to Domestic Resources
This document provides recommendations for improving the long-term financial sustainability of USAID nutrition programming by transitioning to domestic resources. It provides an overall theoretical framework for sustainable financing for nutrition, as well as guidance on how to develop an achievable, long-term transition plan.
Designing Effective Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Activities Workshop: Facilitator's Guide and Slides
This guide provides materials needed to facilitate nutrition-sensitive agriculture design workshops. Also available in French.