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Photo Credit: SPRING

Life of Project in Review

Summary of Key Accomplishments and Contributions

Photo Credit: SPRING

USAID Advancing Nutrition was USAID’s flagship multi-sectoral nutrition project from 2018–2023. This is a summary of accomplishments and contributions across the life of the project.

Our team of technical experts worked to— 

  • improve coordination and collaboration across sectors and disciplines to improve nutrition 

  • build and translate research, learning, and experiences to programs and policies for improved implementation 

  • strengthen the capacity of USAID Missions and partners in achieving sustainable, scalable outcomes for nutrition across humanitarian and development contexts 

  • enhance the quality and measurement of nutrition programming.

A Legacy of Partnership, Learning, and Localization

The breadth of activities and products completed during the five-year life of the project reflect USAID’s efforts to adopt and promote a systems approach to multi-sectoral nutrition programming—within and across health and food systems. We strived to make our multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge, practice, and learning accessible.

life of project dashboard

Locally-led nutrition programming was at the heart of our technical approach, and we applied facilitative approaches to strengthen the capacity of governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector. In 12 countries and one region, we implemented high-quality programming and technical assistance.