USAID Advancing Nutrition conducted an evidence review and multi-stage consultations with BHA and implementing partners to develop an Addendum to the Modality Decision Tool (MDT), to help implementing partners apply a nutrition lens to the selection of appropriate food assistance modalities (cash, vouchers, or in-kind) for the nutritionally vulnerable. Implementing partners are encouraged to use this Addendum alongside the MDT when planning for the development of interventions for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance, which aims to provide additional support to specific vulnerable groups to access adequate and diverse diets in emergencies. This activity provided BHA with insights about how implementing partners use the MDT and programming decision factors. We are working on producing a report for implementing partners to summarize these findings from evidence and experience.
You can find the MDT Addendum on the USAID website or in our Nutrition Resource Hub. View the recording of a webinar discussing the MDT Addendum on the event's webpage.