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USAID Advancing Nutrition draws together global nutrition experience to design, implement, and evaluate programs that address the root causes of malnutrition. Working across and through varied sectors, we provide technical support to and implementation of nutrition interventions for USAID and its partners to address the root causes of malnutrition. We also provide technical assistance to USAID to support the implementation of the Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy 2014-2025 in the many countries where USAID works.

Explore our Technical Area Spotlights featuring research and tools from USAID and USAID Advancing Nutrition that can help you adopt proven approaches to reduce malnutrition.

Our Focus Areas


Browse a selection of 19 activities from our Focus Area technical teams.

Photo: a woman in a vegetable field with a child on her back

Learning from Social Norms Research in Reproductive Health

Social and Behavior Change and Gender

Understanding and responding to social norms is critical for achieving nutrition goals. The Passages Project legacy webinar shared a wealth of resources and lessons from implementation research on social norms to achieve sustained improvements in…

Photo of three woman chatting outside, one is holding a infant and the other two are CHWs

What Tools do Community Health Workers Want to Help Them Practice Compassionate Counseling on Nutrition?

Nutrition and Health Systems Social and Behavior Change and Gender

As integral members of health systems, community health workers (CHWs) are often expected to perform one of the hardest tasks: provide timely and tailored counseling to families in the critical first 1,000 days.

Two scientists in a wheat field taking measurements with handheld equipment

Using An Illustrative List of Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Behaviors to Engage the Food System For Improved Nutrition

Food Systems Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Design Guide Community of Practice Social and Behavior Change and Gender

An illustrative list of nutrition-sensitive agriculture behaviors helps program planners and managers take the first step toward nutrition social and behavior change. Defining actions at all levels of the food system can help improve and achieve…

Village Savings and Loans Group meeting doing accounts outside in a group setting, with a woman smiling in the right foreground

What Makes a Quality Peer Group? Members Respond through Participatory Research in Zimbabwe and Malawi

Social and Behavior Change and Gender

USAID Advancing Nutrition and USAID implementing partners are conducting implementation research to improve the quality of peer groups.

Mother sitting with her toddler sitting on her lap, both are in a group of people sitting down outside.

Partnering with Nutrition Actors in Niger to Refine SBC Quality Tools and Increase Micronutrient Intake

Social and Behavior Change and Gender

Young children, adolescent girls, and pregnant and lactating women in rural Niger are at high risk for inadequate intake of multiple micronutrients, especially vitamin A and iron.

A group Kyrgyz women in folk-outfits on stage and singing at the event.

Promoting Good Nutrition with National Influencers and Public Events in the Kyrgyz Republic

Early Childhood Development Social and Behavior Change and Gender Infant and Young Child Feeding Recommendations

USAID Advancing Nutrition in the Kyrgyz Republic works with national influencers and hosts public events to raise awareness on nutrition topics.