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Interventions for anemia prevention and control should incorporate an understanding of the biology as well as the assessment of the severity, magnitude, and prevalence of anemia in public health practice. The causes of anemia are multifactorial. Practitioners can address anemia using three main categories of interventions: 1) those that address non-nutritional causes of anemia (e.g., delayed cord clamping, malaria control, deworming); 2) those that address nutrients alone (e.g., dietary diversification, biofortification, food fortification, supplementation with iron and/or other micronutrients); and 3) those that address both. The emphasis of this anemia toolkit will be on interventions of public health relevance, but we also consider the clinical context. In addition to these broad categories, the toolkit will focus on—

  • evidence of the impact of inflammation and genetic mutations on the applicability and utility of the interventions, as well as issues related to the bioavailability of nutrients, and considerations of safety when selecting an intervention
  • iron and other nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin B12, folate, riboflavin, and zinc that play a role in hemoglobin synthesis and are important for the prevention of anemia such as:
    • interventions at different stages of the life course—with a particular focus on women of reproductive age and preschool-age children
    • consideration of the interventions within the broader context of the external environments including sustainability, social and cultural factors, and climate change. 

In a resource-constrained environment, many health and nutrition issues compete for the attention of public health practitioners and funders. An effective, efficient, and sustainable approach to reducing anemia requires multi-sectoral collaborative efforts where the disparate motivations and mandates of different stakeholders must be addressed. Tools are available to help public health practitioners select one or more interventions to address the multifactorial nature of anemia.

The USAID Advancing Nutrition Anemia Task force has developed five Anemia Briefs that explore current evidence and practice to understand and address the causes and consequences of anemia, and interventions to reduce the burden of disease. One of those briefs—"Food-Based Approaches to Address Anemia”—explore issues related to food-based interventions for reducing anemia.

We found 113 resource(s)

Iron Interventions for Women and Children in Low-Income Countries
Literature Review published by The Journal of Nutrition in
This review highlights how iron interventions might be positioned within four global health initiatives: making pregnancy safer, saving newborn lives, infant and young child feeding, and fortification.
Are We Making Progress on Reducing Anemia in Women? Cross-country Comparison of Anemia Prevalence, Reach, and Use of Antenatal Care and Anemia Reduction Interventions
Technical Report published by A2Z: The USAID Micronutrient and Child Blindness Project in
This report aims to assess the progress being made on reducing the burden of anemia in women and stimulate global and national action to improve the reach and delivery of proven anemia reduction interventions targeting pregnant women. Data from Demographic and Health Surveys conducted from 2004 to 2008 were used for cross-country and over-time…
Maternal Iron-Folic Acid Supplementation Programs: Evidence of Impact and Implementation
Literature Review published by Food and Nutrition Bulletin in
This review presents evidence on the impact on maternal mortality of iron–folic acid supplementation from observational studies that were analyzed for the Global Burden of Disease analysis in 2004, summarizes findings from other reviews on this topic, and presents data on anemia reduction from two large-scale national programs as well as factors…
Iron Bioavailability and Dietary Reference Values
Literature Review published by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in
This review describes the dietary and host factors that have been reported to influence iron bioavailability, and the process by which these factors have been used to establish iron bioavailability values for the estimation of dietary reference values, and the extent to which the bioavailability values could be refined further.
Nutrient Biofortification of Food Crops
Literature Review published by Annual Review of Nutrition in
This review provides a picture of biofortification techniques, fortification compounds, and measurements of nutritional parameters.
Gap Analysis: Information Needed for Consensus on Policies and Programs to Improve Iron Nutrition
Journal Article published by A2Z: The USAID Micronutrient and Child Blindness Project in
This article seeks to identify the key gaps in information that must be filled to move toward consensus on policies and programs to improve iron nutrition. The article elaborates on the evidence for efficacy and potential effectiveness of intervention strategies and highlights major obstacles of and potential risks for supplying iron to vulnerable…
Anaemia Prevention Badge Project
Technical Report published by FANTA in
This document described the Girl Guides Anemia Prevention Badge Project. In partnership with the African Regional Office of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, FANTA designed the Girl Guides Anemia Prevention Badge Project to reach adolescent girls in East and Southern Africa with information and activities on anemia prevention…
National Strategy for Anaemia Prevention and Control in Bangladesh
Technical Report published by National Strategy for Anemia Prevention and Control in
This National Strategy aimed to reduce the prevalence of anemia among high-risk groups in Bangladesh by 2015 by 25 percent. The strategy identifies comprehensive interventions aimed at high-risk groups, in particular infants and young children, adolescent girls, newly wed women, and pregnant and breastfeeding women.